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The concept of digital connection and virtual connectivity between buildings of a city. Th

Your World.  Your Wealth.

Gold Backed Cash

Enhanced Ledger
Technology Solutions

At Mapt., we believe in promoting financial inclusion through Quantum Enhanced Ledger Technology and gold backed digital cash. Our solutions are designed to provide secure and transparent financial transactions for everyone, regardless of their location or financial status.

No Settlement Risk

QELT processes each transaction contemporaneously with its audit on the ledgers of each counterparty instantaneously, preserves full causality for every transaction, and removes the doubt and costs associated with computer records. It eliminates the settlement risk (Payment versus Payment (PvP) and Delivery versus Payment (DvP)) in any transaction


It operates in real-time to support over 15,000,000 transactions (fully cleared) per second, faster than anything else currently on the market. It uses an invention called the “Quantum” that delivers on all the promises of blockchain without any of its challenges or costs while engaging Ai to constantly and consistently evolve security protocols. 

Ability to Scale

Its cloud-native architecture will scale to support and deliver the central banks’ Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) systems if required. Its modular architecture supports new services and changes to existing services on an ad-hoc basis without materially affecting any live service

Growth with Auru.m digital cash

Looking ahead, QELT will continue to innovate and evolve, exploring new use cases beyond energy and expanding global adoption. With QELT as the backbone of Auru.m, we are poised to redefine sustainability, efficiency, and global connectivity in decentralized ecosystems.
Participants will be able to build their own projects on the technology.

Auru.m Digital Cash

Auru.m developed inside our technology will provide unprecedented levels of security, transaction speed and transparency.  Backed by physical gold at approx three ounce per Auru.m it will serve not only as tender of payment however however a store of value also.   Auru.m will be used as the primary facilitation for our autonomous peer-to-peer energy market. 

Autonamous Peer to Peer Energy Market

We understand that the world of technology can be complex and overwhelming so lets keep things simple; Residential and commercial properties fitted with smart meters will be connected via IoT into our Quantum Enhanced Ledger Technology into the grid, bypassing the energy companies where autonomous 24/7 trades of energy will take place constantly and consistently buying and selling energy securing the best prices and reductions on consumer utility costs.  The days of direct debit utility payment are over.

Auru.m Ecosystem

By combining advanced distributed ledger technology, a focus on financial inclusion, a peer-to-peer autonomous energy market, and a stable, gold-backed digital cash like Auru.m, we can create a holistic digital financial ecosystem. This ecosystem not only empowers individuals across the globe, providing them with access to essential financial services and investment opportunities but also promotes environmental sustainability and economic stability. The gold backing and reserve protection measures instill confidence and trust in Auru.m, making it a reliable and attractive digital asset for users worldwide.


Empowerment Through Unity: This is about more than just financial reform; it's about redefining power dynamics across the globe. Auru.m is at the forefront, leading this charge to bring forth an era where financial security and freedom are accessible to all.

Global Currency Reset

Across the globe, a monumental shift is unfolding in the realm of currency and commodities. While it remains unnoticed by many, this change is pivotal to our future. And it's time for everyone to be part of this transformative journey.


A Mission to Safeguard Humanity: In a world where the traditional debt-based financial system has reached its limits, unfit for our evolving needs, we stand at a crossroads. But fear not, for with challenge comes opportunity – a chance to reshape and rejuvenate the way we interact with money.


Auru.m: Pioneering Change for the People: Auru.m is more than just a currency; it's a mission to empower. Backed by unparalleled support that transcends borders – from west to east, north to south – we're crafting a financial ecosystem that returns power to where it truly belongs: the people.




Future Uses in planning

A Store of Value and Daily Convenience Combined: Embrace the future of finance with Auru.m, where the enduring value of gold meets the flexibility of digital cash. Imagine a world where your savings not only retain their worth but also grow more accessible and usable every day. Auru.m offers you just that - a dependable store of value and an efficient medium for daily expenses. Whether you're safeguarding your assets against economic fluctuations or paying for your morning coffee, Auru.m stands as your steadfast financial ally.





Projects and Practical Uses: Think of Auru.m as your key to a myriad of possibilities. We're working on innovative projects like integrating with online marketplaces, enabling you to use Auru.m for e-commerce purchases. Imagine booking your next vacation, shopping for groceries, or even paying bills, all effortlessly done with Auru.m. We're not stopping there - our vision includes partnerships with brick-and-mortar retailers and service providers, making Auru.m as ubiquitous as traditional currency but with the added advantage of gold-backed security.


Join the Financial Revolution

By choosing Mapt., you're joining a global movement towards financial inclusion and empowerment. Our solutions are designed to help everyone, from individuals to businesses and countries take control of their financial future. Countries with mass underground minerals or commodities are able to partner with Mapt. and it's technology, pledge their assets resulting in a new mints of gold backed digital cash creating a new financial system.

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